1.Durable construction:The Cuisinart 16-inch Charcoal Smoker is designed for professional chefs, cooks, and grilling enthusiasts who appreciate the quality that Cuisinart is known for. It’s portable enough to take everywhere. It’s a great addition to an outdoor grill kitchen and ideal for making your guests a deliciously smoked meal.
2.Dual air vent System:It’s easier than ever to control the amount of heat and smoke in the Cuisinart 16-inch Charcoal Smoker. The two vents can be opened or closed in order to manage the amount of heat and smoke leaving the chamber. Lift the lid for easy access to foods as they smoke. It’s simple to maintain and clean-up is easy.
3. Multipurpose: The smoker enables you to smoke all of your favorite foods, including cheese, vegetables and meats. It’s easy to set up and includes everything except charcoal and wood chunks. It has a porcelain enameled steel bowl that holds water, and features a vertical side door for easy access to water and fuel.
4.Adequate cooking space:The Cuisinart 16-inch Charcoal Smoker includes two steel wire racks that can be stacked inside the 402 square inches of cooking space. There’s enough room to smoke fish, meats, vegetables, or even a whole chicken.
5.Vertically hinged door:This Vertical barrel design makes it easy to keep a consistent temperature with minimal adjustments & accessing the water bowl & charcoal grate doesn’t get much easier with this vertically hinged door. It has a porcelain enameled steel bowl that holds water.